Moreton Youth Club
1968 - 1971

Youth Leader: Peter Blackley

Pauline Davis
Doreen Hickson

Does anyone have any images of the MYC inside and/or out?

During the years 1968 - 1971 I had some great times at the Moreton Youth Club, Moreton, Wirral, Cheshire (now Merseyside).  I am putting together an attempt to build some images of the life
and times of this Club. After a brief initial input of info it has dried up!


The original Moreton Youth Club

Thanks to Eddie Williams for this rare photo

This was sent to me Aug 1971 for my birthday when I had just joined my Regiment in Germany, 1st Royal Tank Regiment.

Left to right: Kathy, Tina, Pat, Debbie Oakes, Anne & Liz. Beautiful people all. I wonder where they are now? A treasured memory now. If I could remember surnames maybe they are in friends reunited? As I recall, all were at Wallasey High School For Girls ? Dig them flares on Debbie!

I can't remember her name but I do remember she was German. The MYC is in the background distance. 1969/1970/1971? The Moreton Library is to the right. She too was one of the "beautiful people" of the time.

My mate Lennie Wright - for some reason up a tree outside the Youth Club! I think it was something along the lines of "here, take a picture of this!" Not been in touch with Lennie for quite a while now, presume he still lives in the area and married Angie. Has two girls and grand kids.

Trip to Wales. I am on the far right, white top. To the Dollgellau (spelling?) area. My overriding memory is sitting in the mini bus, en route, and watched a cow running along a field and I uttered, "Oh Look, Express Milk!". The occupants fell about laughing! Luckily we didn't crash!

Dec 08: Had email from Ray Jones - he is standing behind me in the pic!

Bourneville Cottage Dollegau Merioneth Easter 1970

The Cottage we stayed in, in Wales. Lying on the side of a bloody big hill - those are my feet! Size 9 steel capped boots, courtesy of Spillers, where I worked.

From another viewpoint. Beautiful valley, lovely region.

Boys Brigade Moreton Sunday Parade. Thanks to Steve Casey for this rare image. The old  'pink library' - then Moreton YC circa 1969or earlier  is to the rear.

The Youth Club  Feb 2001



Front section was cafe area and offices region and in the rear, the dancing area

The entrance


Aerial Shot of Moreton showing the MYC (black spot).
(Merseyside Information Service)

Looking decidedly dilapidated, Moreton Y.C. I took this on July 8th 2003. The sign is precarious in its position, brickwork looking the worse for wear.


September 2nd 2008: Ken Bruffell: I have just stumbled on this site, I can only say what fantastic memories it has brought back to both myself and my wife Pam. I don't know if you remember us from the days of the Youth Club those days where brilliant, the dances. I can remember you with your red hair. I used to play football for the youth club. I married Pam Clarke from Fairmead Road back in 1975. We Lived in Moreton then moved up to Greasby. We are now retired and spend most of our time in Spain. Do you remember the little disc room in the club I was in there a lot and if I remember rightly so where you. I think you wanted to be a D.J. in those days. ( I was the DJ, up to 9pm, but the equipment they had was terrible - mk). One of the records that everyone seemed to want to be played was Shake (Otis Redding - mk) cant remember who sang it though all the girls used to scream for it.

My first recollection of the Moreton Y.C. was the old pink library when it was still standing. I think the Ambulance station is there now. Does anybody remember it and who went there, does anyone remember Old Stan Johnson with his pipe and his bike who lived along Town Meadow Lane and Mr Fogarty and I think Doreen also started her life with the youth club there. These where very popular people.

I remember the building in the shape of a letter T the table tennis tables where to the left as you walked in and I think we had a little place that sold drinks. The club was always busy except when you mention about Wallis's Fair on the corner down at the shore. That's where we started the what I believe the first Moreton Youth Football Team and Stan Johnson and cant remember Mr. Fogarty's first name and Doreen used to come and watch us. I can remember a few of the players that started the team up perhaps someone can remember them There was myself big Neville Jackson from Leasowe Steve Hollywood also from Leasowe, Ginger Billy and Billy Tierney am not sure whether Martin Meddlicottt played there where others but I apologise for not remembering there names. The team used to meet in the cafe on the corner of Oakenholt Road or over the road in the Big House Bar god that place brings back some memories. Some of the other players we had after we got established who came to join us where Eddie Shoule I think he went to South Africa there was Steve Jones , Robbie Leatherbarrow, Garry Farlam, Billy Lampkin  from the coal, I am struggling to remember them all but if anyone can, it would be brilliant to hear from them or even post a comment on here. 

There was also Neil Saunders he went to America. We started the season quite well winning a few and losing a few, but the main thing was we enjoyed it. Eventually we had a real good team and other teams in the league did not want to play us, we caused some upsets beating the likes of Poulton Villa, Wheatland and Wallasey Boys Club but as it happens all good things come to and end. Well Mike I hope if somebody reads this it will help jog a few more memories, I think I could go on for ages with some of the things we used to get up to. I also remember a lad Dave Smith we played table tennis together and where doubles partners in the Wallasey Festival of Sport and went on to win it for the Youth Club.

Me: I was in the Youth Club Quiz Team for a knock out tournament covering all of Wallasey Youth Clubs and Schools. We got through to the final but lost by a half point. Mine was the final question worth 2 points, should have been worth double considering how hard it was, but I got it right. Name that drummer? They played a piece of band music. The answer was Buddy Rich!



Please Read


Thanks to Angela Cardus (nee Murray) for the mail - your reply address does not work! And also thanks to Christine Meaden
(nee Weaver) and to "Nostalgic Rob" for your welcome mails. And to Carol Sharpe at the 20th Century Images site below.
Thanks also to "Reg" for the Aerial shot(s) of Moreton and for the shots of the MYC taken in Feb 2001.

Sept 05: Delighted to announce that I have finally been in touch with Peter Blackley, so I hope to have some more info in here soon.

Feb 08: Went to where Peter Blackley was supposed to live only to find nobody knew him!

2017: Nothing heard since

Some useful links:

Aerial images of Moreton are courtesy of the Merseyside Information Service

Doomsday Book -

Reflections of old Merseyside